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The Scientific and Technical Service of Immunohistochemistry is located in IRBLleida within the Arnau de Vilanova Hospital (1st floor).

The processing of the samples is carried out following the established protocols in the laboratory, which has three devices (immunostainers), one of them belongs to the IRBLleida (Autostainer LINK 48, Dako) and the others to the University Arnau de Vilanova Hospital(OMNIS, Dako and The Autostainer LINK 48), always in connection with a computer to control its operation, allows the simultaneous processing of up to 48 preparations. The service also has an apparatus for the analysis of images (ACIS® III Instrument, Dako) with the corresponding ACIS® III Software, two instruments for the construction of Tissue Micro Arrays of fabrics, one manual (Beecher Instruments TMA apparatus) and one automatic (3DHISTECH TMA GRAND MASTER, Sysmex), and two devices (PT Link, Dako)for the pre-treatment of the samples in addition to a biological protection hood, an optical microscope, two freezers, a kit of pipettes, etc.

Dra. Maria Santacana
Head of Immunohistochemistry
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